Here are Fusion's most important team members! We have included our current horses as well as our horses from the past, so we can continue to cherish the wonderful memories they provided.

Our Horses


Woods was a stunning large Hannoverian gelding who sadly passed away after a too short vaulting career, leaving a hole in the hearts of many.


Brando is a 17hh Swedish Warmblood/draft cross by the talented stallion Braveheart. He is a Prix St. Georges level dressage horse who carried some of our canter vaulters in the past. He shone at some of the large public demonstration performances we brought him to. He is retired from...


Scout has now moved on to a new family. This sweet little Welsh Cob helped teach several of our vaulters how to mount without a boost. She was a great confidence booster and will always be loved.

Libero - Fusion's first vaulting horse

Libero is now retired from vaulting. He was used by the club's intermediate and advanced vaulters and loved by all. Libero won the title of BC Provincial Canter Horse in 2013 at his last vaulting competition ever!
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Fusion Vaulters is looking for vaulting prospects. Please contact us if you are selling a horse in BC that you feel may be suitable for vaulting. We are looking for a horse that is over 5 y/o, over 16hh, sound and broke, with substance and a calm temperament; preferably a warmblood, draft, or a cross.